Opening: 15 November 2019
Exhibition duration: 16 to 18 of November 2019
Location: The John Atanasof Innovation Forum at Tech Park, Sofia, Bulgaria
Peggy Kliafa participates in the show with the artwork:
“DISSOLUTION”, 2011, video in 2 versions lasting 2,45’ and 3.05’ each.
It is a video which shows the dissolution of the effervescent sculpture (“Man”) in a plexi glass cube filled with water, its fall and its disappearance. A piece about the ephemeral and the self-destructive of the human existence.
SYMBIARTIC is an ambitious initiative aiming to bridge conceptual art and fundamental science. The main focus of the project will be to develop a cross-disciplinary platform providing insight into the recently founded global SciArt movement, which proclaims that both Art and Science are rooted in “an unquenchable thirst for understanding the nature of our existence”. SYMBIARTIC will be seeking to initiate a movement of its own kind. With the ultimate goal of empowering local artists and scientists to contribute to the cause with relevant artwork to raise public awareness of the underfunding of science and art projects in Bulgaria.
Is there a link between SCIENCE and ART? Is Scientific Illustration more of a ’Science’ rather than a pure, unadulterated ’Art’?
Are modern scientific imaging technologies (MRT, microscopic photography, PET/CT, etc.) only soulless servants of their respective scientific fields, or can they perhaps also be a source of Art? Are scientists merely dispassionately decoding images, or do they also perceive the beauty beyond the dry scientific data encoded in them? And, in general, is science merely science – and is art merely shallow delight for the senses?
In endeavoring to reveal to the Bulgarian public the missing link in the ever-so-important connection between these two realms, we strive to join together the viewpoints of artists and scientists in order to glean just how varied and insightful the resultant inspiration can be, and also to show how much creativity is required in both of these fields.
The event is part of the 3rd International Biomedical Congress.
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